Download 2048 Number Puzzle game 6.46 for android for free

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  • Detailed description
  • 2048 Number Puzzle game is an android game that will take over your consciousness if you don't stop in time. With seeming simplicity, the gameplay is so addictive that any free minute will want to dedicate to this game. The essence is very simple: remember the children's game "fifteen", where you had to move the squares with numbers on them on the playing field size 4x4? It's something similar, only more complicated: in the same 4x4 field you move the cells with numbers, but when cells with the same values ​​move to each other, they add up, generating a new cell, and each movement leads to the appearance of new low-ranking chips (random way). As a result, connecting "2" and "2" on the playing field appears a counter "4", etc. Victory formally comes when the "2048" chip appears on the field, but the world record of this game is 65536, so there is room for improvement.2048 Number Puzzle game can be recommended to anyone who wants to have a simple but very effective way to kill extra time, while arranging a good exercise for the brain. Thanks to the presented corporate game modes, you can not only play yourself, but also fight with friends ..


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