Download Octodad: Dadliest Catch 1.0.23 APK and cache (full version) for android for free

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  • Detailed description
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch is another part of the adventures of an octopus pretending to be a man. According to the plot, the protagonist lives a seemingly ordinary human life, if we do not take into account the fact that he is not a man at all, but an octopus. All his relatives are unaware of this, but every day the character needs to prove his humanity by performing various actions. But it's hard to do, because instead of hands he has tentacles. However, neither relatives nor ordinary passers-by on the street do not notice this, as the character tries very hard not to stand out and do everything humanely. The main feature of the game is management. It is quite complex. Whatever the Papa Octopus does, it becomes the most difficult test for him. Taking a glass of water or a fork in the tentacles is not so simple, and wielding cutlery without harming loved ones and the environment is even more difficult. From the side, all the attempts of the character to do something look ridiculous. Also at each level you need to find ties to make the hero look like the father of the family. Octodad: Dadliest Catch - an unusual arcade with complex controls that will entertain both children and adults ..


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