Download PickCrafter - Clicker on Mining and Crafting 5.3.04 APK (Mod: Many Currencies) for Android for free

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  • Detailed description
  • PickCrafter - Clicker for mining and crafting - a classic representative of the genre of clickers, in which success depends on the number of touches per minute The game is made in the popular style of Minecraft, so the game world consists of pixels In front of the user is a rock damage and break off pieces of precious stonesAfter extracting a certain number of stones, you can sell them and buy a pickaxe and other tools better and more So you can buy a few items that should improve performance for more useful work Management is not just one click on the screen shake the device Competent shocks will earn more pointsFor certain merits, the game rewards the user with some achievements There are about fifty of them There is also a ranking table of players from around the world To enter the top, you have to try hard and make every effort PickCrafter - great click er, which will help pass the time

Download PickCrafter - Clicker on Mining and Crafting 5.3.04 APK (Mod: Many Currencies) for Android for free


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