Download Tuk-Tuk-Tuk 1.56 APK and cache (full version) for android for free

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  • Detailed description
  • Tuk-Tuk-Tuk for android is not a game in the style of horror, but horror in the form of a game. We have to plunge into the atmosphere of horror that prevails in a gloomy mansion, which is located in a dark forest. The main character is the owner of the house, who protects his home from paranormal guests every night. In order not to go crazy with fear, he has to constantly check the numerous rooms, monitor the presence of light, collect useful things and find shelter in time. A feature of the game is the ability to use the found things and combine them. Also in the gameplay there is a clear logic and sequence of actions, on which, in principle, the hero's chances of survival depend. The most important thing for the player is clarity and thoughtful decisions. The result of the night will depend on the choice made. For example, you have to solve dilemmas of this nature, when collecting elements for liquids, you need to decide which mixture to get: scares monsters or one that will give strength to a tired caretaker, increasing its stress resistance. No less important element Tuk-Tuk-Tuk is light. Most of the puzzles will be about lighting, as you can't take an object in a room if it's not lit. The game has a fairly wide selection of lighting items, ranging from dim lamps to kerosene burners. Many mysteries are connected with time, then freezes, then takes us back. Basically, we are waiting for meetings with spirits and ghosts. Sometimes there are bloodthirsty creatures from which it is better to hide than to try to fight them. Each monster has specific characteristics, after getting acquainted with which, you can find a way to overcome them. Control in Tuk-Tuk-Tuk is carried out using a touch screen, simple taps. Music and sounds that create an atmosphere of constant fear will delight many fans of this genre.


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